February 3, 2017
Icy Nebraska winters can make navigating concrete and pavers dangerous. Ice-melt chemicals may make the surface less daunting, but can also be toxic to your patio, pets and landscape. Here we provide tips for balancing safety with the long-term health of your hardscape and plantings. How do ice-melt (including rock salts) damage pavers and Read More
November 7, 2016
As winter settles in Nebraska, many homeowners have already put their garden to rest. But, when it comes to your ornamental grasses, you may want to think twice. Why? Standing grasses can provide stunning contrast, movement, structure and texture, as well as, ample benefits for local wildlife. Which grasses should you leave up? Which Read More
November 2, 2016
The answer is…. it depends. For conifers such as pine, spruce, fir, or arborvitae this may be a natural and healthy occurrence, but it depends. How do you tell the difference, and what should you do? Here’s a few tips: Needlecast (Picture above) is a natural process for conifer trees (pine, spruce, fir, or juniper). Read More
October 31, 2016
Leaves are dropping, flowers are fading, and the weather is changing rapidly. It’s fall in Omaha again. And as morning dew turns to frost, it is not only a time to clean up the landscape, it’s time to prepare it for the next season. Here are 12 quick tips for ensuring your landscape remains healthy Read More
March 6, 2016
Getting Your Landscape Ready For Spring A great time of year to start the spring clean-up in your landscape is mid-March. At this time, plants have made it through most of winter, but because of soil temperatures, have not come out of dormancy. It is by far, easier and cost effective to cut back all Read More
March 1, 2016
What is the best value for your patio? Are you looking to install a new patio? Or are you looking to replace an existing patio or deck that has come to the end of its serviceable life span? If so, you are in good company. A patio is a versatile amenity that has become much Read More
March 1, 2016
New Landscaping Care Your new landscaping is a growing investment. Take care of this investment by putting in the necessary time and materials needed to get your new landscaping off to a healthy start. The following are some guidelines to help make sure that your plants are receiving adequate care: Watering: Hand watering is critical Read More
February 14, 2016
Our Work-Galleries
Water falls and features are key elements that bring excitement to Breaking Ground landscape designs. Our talented crews bring these features to life.
February 6, 2016
Proper Watering Watering is the most crucial step in proper plant care. Given ever-changing weather conditions, there are no precise watering conditions. The frequency and amount of watering needs is determined on an individual basis, taking into account the weather and soil condition. This is where you will play a critical role in the health Read More