Proper Watering
Proper Watering
Watering is the most crucial step in proper plant care. Given ever-changing weather conditions, there are no precise watering conditions. The frequency and amount of watering needs is determined on an individual basis, taking into account the weather and soil condition. This is where you will play a critical role in the health of your landscape. Almost all plant deaths are the result of improper watering. More plants die from over-watering than any other cause. Allow the soil to drain between watering. A few long, deep weekly waterings are much better than frequent light waterings. Also remember to water plants in late fall to allow them to store up moisture before the ground freezes.

Curved steps manage hill
Water: Hand-watering is critical until plants are established. Rain water is almost never enough and not properly timed for new plant initiation. Also, sprinkler systems can provide tremendous relief from hand watering, but, unless they were designed to water landscaping, you will need to hand-water regularly.
Newly installed perennials and shrubs:
Water daily for the first week; every other day during the second and third weeks; twice a week during the fourth week. After a month, watering can be reduced to once a week.
Newly installed shade trees:
Deep watering is required for the first month. Lay a hose at the base of the tree; turn on the hose to a trickle and let the water run for 15-45 minutes. This can be done three times a week during the first two weeks, and twice a week during the third and fourth weeks.
Water well when first installed. After they are established,
allow the soil to dry slightly between watering. Poke your finger into the ground about
an inch and see if it feels dry or wet. Wet soil can kill evergreens.