Month February 2017
February 10, 2017
The dreary depths of winter can make the landscape feel void and desolate. But it is also one of the longest seasons of the year. So why put the garden completely to bed when you could have brilliant foliage and textures? Here we share 9 of our favorite winter trees and shrubs that shine brightest Read More
Month February 2017
February 6, 2017
Greetings! Hope you are having a wonderful winter season. Enclosed in the winter newsletter are articles on some of our favorite winter grasses, some diseases to be on the lookout for and how to balance icy winter conditions with the health of your patio or walkway. We would love feedback, Enjoy!
Month February 2017
February 3, 2017
Icy Nebraska winters can make navigating concrete and pavers dangerous. Ice-melt chemicals may make the surface less daunting, but can also be toxic to your patio, pets and landscape. Here we provide tips for balancing safety with the long-term health of your hardscape and plantings. How do ice-melt (including rock salts) damage pavers and Read More