
Landscaping Around a Fire Pit

Breaking Ground has nearly lost count of the number of fire pits we’ve installed for Omaha area homeowners. However, not everyone comes to us with the same needs. After all, tastes and desires change over time, so the landscaping — and even the hardscaping — that was done in the vicinity of a fire pit Read More


Eco Friendly Lighting Design

Even something as seemingly small as your choice of landscape lighting makes a big difference in sustainable landscape design. Let’s shed some light on the subject. Types of Lighting There are multiple types of outdoor lighting, ranging from high and low pressure sodium lighting (often used for street lights and lighting larger areas) to incandescent Read More




Pool Design in Omaha: the Breaking Ground Approach

From the public baths of Ancient Rome to the present day, humankind has turned to water features to socialize, soothe, relax, and rejuvenate. These days, most Omaha homeowners turn to a swimming pool instead of a full-fledged Roman bath. The pool design service offered by Breaking Ground is no less important for that, especially given Read More


Landscape Construction for Your New Home

Whether you’re building a new home, or renovating a house you’ve called home for decades, landscape design is a key part of the process. After all, you’re not just working on a structure. It’s an investment, and it deserves a great setting, a lush and verdant frame that highlights the work you’ve done. As with Read More




Winter Favorites: 9 Stunning Shrubs and Trees

The dreary depths of winter can make the landscape feel void and desolate. But it is also one of the longest seasons of the year. So why put the garden completely to bed when you could have brilliant foliage and textures? Here we share 9 of our favorite winter trees and shrubs that shine brightest Read More


Winter Newsletter 2017

Greetings! Hope you are having a wonderful winter season. Enclosed in the winter newsletter are articles on some of our favorite winter grasses, some diseases to be on the lookout for and how to balance icy winter conditions with the health of your patio or walkway. We would love feedback, Enjoy!  

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